
Friday, January 16, 2004

Out of Work 

Been having mild hallucinations today. That's what you get when you don't get any sleep. It's not that I'm overworked; my two freelance jobs have no work for me. It's just that I have nothing else better to do. Yes, and I have been looking for other jobs. But I don't need sleep to do that.

So I'm enjoying sleep deprivation in all its glory. When I stay up more than 20 hours straight, and now it's been more like 30, my mind starts playing tricks on me. I see and hear things; nothing absolutely definable, but shadows and things lurking in the periphery. Sounds get amplified and have more "personality", e.g., my hard disk sounds like someone saying, "Yayeeyayeeyayeeyayee." My brain is probably just slow and tired, and therefore scared. Like a fight or flight response with nothing to fight or flee from except, apparently, demons.

So anyway, I figured there's no sense in getting down about not having work. I've come to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Like clipping coupons, which I then take to a grocery store that doubles coupons, which I then further enhance by purchasing items that are already on-sale, so in the end, I get things for practically nothing. I recently bought a pair of cornish game hens for $2.00 using this method. No, not each. It was glorious.

I feel like a grandma. Oh well. Time to take a nap.