Sunday, April 10, 2005
Butterflies and Green Onions
No, it's not the hot new trend in L.A. cuisine. It's what I saw in my backyard. 
I'm not sure if this is a Painted Lady Butterfly, which seems to be swarming California in large numbers, but I did see this guy sitting on the flowers of one of my green onion plants. I had no idea green onions produced such cool looking flowers. Anyway, so this is a nature scene from my backyard, one of the many of which I'll soon have to say goodbye to because the landlord is selling the house =( Perhaps I will find an aparment with lots of roaches instead. *Cue mournful violin music*

I'm not sure if this is a Painted Lady Butterfly, which seems to be swarming California in large numbers, but I did see this guy sitting on the flowers of one of my green onion plants. I had no idea green onions produced such cool looking flowers. Anyway, so this is a nature scene from my backyard, one of the many of which I'll soon have to say goodbye to because the landlord is selling the house =( Perhaps I will find an aparment with lots of roaches instead. *Cue mournful violin music*