Here's a butterfly I saw in my backyard today. Click on the photo for a higher rez version. I'm really quite the procrastinator. I should be packing up and throwing things away in preparation for my move, but instead I take pictures of bugs. I don't know what kind of butterfly this is, but I was very sneaky and was able to get very very close to it, inches away in fact, before it flew away. I should become a ninja. Or perhaps a nature documentarian working for the BBC. Or maybe a combination of both. Yes, yes. I shall procure my poisons from the venomous snakes I document by day, then inject them into unsuspecting double agents by night. Ooooooh, perhaps I've stumbled upon a career. No one would ever suspect
David Attenborough of being a silent assassin, would they? Well there you go.
// posted by Topanga @