Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Storm's a Comin

I love it when it rains. And I'm glad we have a shed with a tin roof in the backyard. The sound of rain hitting it reminds me of home, where my bedroom window was right above our back porch's tin roof.
It also reminds me of being taught the story of Noah's Ark in elementary school. Our pastor talked about how Noah got all the animals, and put em in two by two, etc. At the end of the lesson, he told the class of how he himself went to Mount Ararat (or Sinai?) and got to hold a piece of Noah's Ark. As he was saying this, he got a bit emotional and I think even a little misty-eyed. It was quite moving for us kids.
Afterwards, for lunch, we had hamburgers or something. And I thought, wow, this beef that I'm eating had ancestors that were on Noah's Ark. And then I thought, where did all those animals go to the bathroom? Then I figured they probably just stuck their butts over the side of the boat. Either that, or maybe they had people constantly shoveling poo over the side. Those people probably weren't too happy about it, but nonetheless it was their duty.
So bad.