
Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Banana Hammock 

This post has nothing to do with those skimpy thongs male strippers wear, I just find the name for them fantastic. Not that I find men wearing thongs fantastic.

Anyhoo, I was just watching this special on Nova on the history of dogs. They talked about the reasons there are so many breeds of dogs and how some people interbreed dogs in order to try to "purify" a certain breed. Sounds kinda Aryan to me. They also talked about one of the big side effects of interbreeding dogs, which is a high prevalence of genetic diseases. This one lady who raised and bred papillons said that one of her champion show dogs had a father and mother who were actually father and daughter. It was quite disturbing.

Then they showed a dog who suffered from narcolepsy. He was so cute and fluffy, which made it all the funnier when he was running down a hallway and suddenly collapsed into a deep sleep.