Well, the bachelor party was fun. I don't remember some of it. Now I got a massive headache. And in a few hours, I'm off to the rehearsal dinner. Must get rid of nausea. Well, sorry to disappoint, but there was no wrestling of the men. We ate dinner at this fusion Italian-Chinese restaurant, which had pretty decent food, but was so very expensive. Then we sang karaoke for nearly four hours. It was BYOB, so we BOOB, and a lot of it. We ended up playing poker afterwards, and I won $20, which is nice, because I might've either dropped a $20 bill last night or gave it to my friend. I'll have to ask him at the dinner.
Anyway, I promised some photos, but it's been overcast and gloomy since I've been here, so I don't have any sunny tropical pictures. So instead, as you can see, this is a picture of our papaya tree growing next to our back porch.
// posted by Topanga @