Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Tomatoes Redux
So I went out and bought my own digital camera because I was so jealous of my sister's. It was kind of expensive and I'll probably regret it later, but I'm happy now. So here's a vibrantly-colored picture from my very own camera of some plants that my girlfriend planted for me as a welcome back surprise. What a sweetie.
It's a mixture of marigolds and tomato plants. The marigolds are supposed to attract wasps that lay eggs on those disgusting caterpillars that eat tomato plants, so when the eggs hatch, the baby wasps eat the caterpillars from the inside out. I'm sorry if you were eating when you read that, but that's nature! Last summer I tried growing tomatoes for the first time, with disastrous results. Not only did my tomato plants get eaten, but they wouldn't produce tomatoes. Three plants produced a total of five edible tomatoes the entire summer. This year, with a more disease resistant variety and more fertilizer, I hope to have bushels and bushels to share with my friends and neighbors.