
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Coffee and Werewolves 

Having not partaken in the pleasures of coffee in quite a while, I, in a space of two hours, drank three full cups of a strong, hearty brew earlier today. Boy, talk about getting the shakes. Apparently, my body's tolerance to caffeine has waned considerably since the last time I had this much of it. For most of the day I could not sit still, so much so that my boss asked me why I kept walking around the office. I couldn't concentrate on anything, and when I spoke to anyone, it was at an accelerated pace, as if I had accidentally hit my own personal fast forward button*. If there had been some way to harness my energy, I'm sure I could've powered the office for a few hours, saving quite a bit on the utility bill in the process.

Even now, after work, I still feel a bit edgy. I hope I'll be able to sleep tonight. Back in college, if I drank too much coffee during the day, I had difficulty falling asleep at night unless I took Nyquil or something, which is really bad -- after all, that's how Elvis got started. Another reason I may not be able to sleep well tonight is because whenever I have a vivid dream, it's usually followed by several nights of similarly-themed dreams.

And so last night I dreamed quite vividly that I was a murderous werewolf.

It was all very disturbing -- not so much because I was a murderous werewolf, but because I felt so sad when my family refused to hear my pleas of forgiveness for having been a murderous werewolf. Oh, the looks of disappointment in their faces! And it was only then that I felt guilty for eating all those innocent people. Indeed, shame had greater power over my conscience than the fact that I had torn people to shreds. It was so vivid that I woke up thinking that perhaps I had been repressing memories of my rampages.

Of course, after a few moments I realized I wasn't a werewolf in real life, and so I rejoiced. And even if I did happen to eat someone in real life, I was confident that I would immediately feel bad about it, and that made me happier. But then I got sad again because I realized it was five in the morning and I needed to go to work in a few hours. Of course, I didn't fall back asleep until 20 minutes before my alarm clock went off...

So today at work, to counteract my lack of sleep, I drank wayyyyy too much coffee.

*Located, coincidentally, next to my belly button.