Thursday, February 12, 2004
Goats and Snow

Speaking of national parks, today I went sledding at Los Padres (?) National Park with my unemployed/partially employed/day-off-on-a-Thursday friends. I grew up in Hawaii and am currently living in Los Angeles, so I really haven't seen snow all that much. Some people, like the awesome blogger Miranda, equate snow with "I have to shovel the damn driveway." I equate snow with fun! I oversimplify because it's easier.
We went to a place where snow had fallen about two weeks ago. The snow was sort of icy, but still very nice and sleddable. Out of all of us, I was the only one who sustained an injury - I scraped my arm on an unseen tree root as I zoomed down a hill. Oh well, at least I didn't eat an unseen boulder.
And it was only 1 1/2 hours away by car, so now I'm back in LA where it's 70 degrees and breezy. All in all, a really nice day. Tomorrow, back to work!